A guide to people-centric performance management
Unlock the secrets to a people-centric approach to performance management with the OpenBlend guide.
This guide and worksheet for people leaders and managers shares why 1:1s are key to taking your teams on their career development journey.
Fail to prepare, prepare to…You know the drill.
To equip yourself to succeed you’ll need to prepare sufficiently for your employee development conversation. The steps outlined below provide a useful preparation guide:
Review your notes from any 1:1s you’ve already had with the team member, and any goal setting or development they have previously discussed with you or a previous manager.
Don’t wait until the day before the conversation to ask for feedback, give contributors plenty of notice to gather it and do make sure you read it before the meeting, taking particular note of any developmental feedback, as this will need addressing the most.
Part of the conversation will involve you briefing your team member on the activities and wider organisation goals for the coming weeks, months, or year. Make sure you’ve spoken to your manager and/or leaders to understand clearly what’s expected of you and your team. You want to enter the conversation as equipped as you can be on what capabilities your team member will need to develop to help support your organisation and teams’ broader objectives.
If this employee development conversation is part of an annual or six-monthly review, you might what to look further ahead to what your team member’s next role might be and how industry trends might impact it.
It can be frustrating to manage people who come across to you as lacking ambition or motivation – but remember that this is a highly subjective area. What may seem ambitious to one person, may not be to another. Try not to judge or criticise your team member’s ideas and aspirations. Instead, listen carefully to what they tell you and think about how you can inspire and engage them to be more ambitious in their goal setting.
Likewise, you might find your team member seems overly ambitious, again, you will need to manage this very carefully. Consider their aspirations as objectively as you can, andcan and give them timethem time to fully explain how they believe they can achieve their goalsm.
Help your team member to prepare by reminding them to request feedback from their colleagues, and to save down any unsolicited feedback they’ve received (both positive and not so positive). Junior employees might also need you to provide some guidance around how to request feedback. Likewise, junior team members may not have much experience of setting performance goals, in which case you might want to share some guidance such as a goal-setting framework beforehand to help think about their goals. If you do this, make sure they know they still have the employee development conversation to change, refine and discuss these goals.
There are three stages that we recommend you follow to have a productive 1:1 development conversation. You can view these in more detail in our handy Development Conversation Guide PDF that’s available to download.
Open warmly; recap the agenda and develop your team member’s self-awareness by exploring their strengths, motivators, drivers, and challenges.
Useful question: To discover your best fit, where do you see your key strengths that might be valuable to utilise ?
Help identify their development mission and overarching aim; identify 3-5 areas to develop; assess current skill level; identify needs and expectations and any required learning opportunities.
Useful question: What 3 - 5 areas of growth will be important to build further to achieve this mission in order of priority?
Set Goals for each development area; examine their current Reality, including needs and obstacles; explore Options and how to overcome any obstacles, plan the Way forward, with one or two upcoming steps to create momentum. Check for motivation here – if this is low, reset the goal. You can use our handy GROW worksheet here, too.
Useful question: What is the Reality today, what will help you progress eachprogress each goal, and what might get in the way?
End on a positive note; emphasise why the planned development will be valuable to the person’s career; show your confidence in them and haveand have an initial date planned to follow up.
Useful statement: It will be great to incorporate these actions into the period ahead. They will help you to…
By following these steps together, the outcome will be a personalised career plan that helps drive forward employee growth.
Found this helpful? Download our handy career development conversation worksheet as a template to use to guide your next career focused 1:1. Or book a demo of Develop to see how OpenBlend helps organisations to deliver personalised development at scale.
Unlock the secrets to a people-centric approach to performance management with the OpenBlend guide.
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